Thursday, February 11, 2010


Ok, its not like I don't have 2 other blogs that I don't post to, but I have a new obsession, something that I dream about, and think about, and daydream about, it's knitting!!!

I have crocheted for 20 years and in October of '09 with a very through search of google for new crochet hat patterns found, and I am in love. But I noticed as I perused the crochet patterns that most of the patterns that I really wanted to do were knitting patterns so in early December said ok darnit, I am going to teach myself to knit, and with the help of youtube(you could get a degree on there with the wealth of videos) and, I taught myself to knit.

so far I have finished a buttload of hats, started a sweater, finished a scarf and have a scarf on needles, finished 1 sock LOL, finished a pair of slippers for my future MIL, and have my very first sweater on needles. I am more excited than a baptist minister during a revival!

Now I have noticed that I spend so much time pursuing Raverly for patterns that I forget about my knitting which is bad enough considering I think I have adult ADD and am constantly casting on new projects and then setting them aside when I get bored with the stockinette stitch! So this will be my blog of my knitting and hopefully one day patterns!! Oh here is a picture of my sweater, and I have probably done about 3 more inches since this picture was taken(picture to come soon)
